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Traders Information
It is known that The Faerytail Family is a government that was founded on hard work, warfare, and trade. As such, we are very concerned with and passionate about trading. Therefore, we are going to publicly disseminate a Do Not Trade list and a Scammers list. The Do Not Trade List is one we have compiled over those that slip the cracks and are not added to the Scammers list. The Scammers list is taken from the majority of what traders view as a "scam". However, the Scammers list has failed us a couple times recently and so we are making our own list in order to compensate for its failings and assist new traders.
Traders are advised to avoid trading with any individuals on either list. If you MUST trade with any of the named individuals make sure to use a "Middle", a trusted trader who receives both sides of the trade and then dispenses it to both parties. The Faery King, Simkin Dragoneel, can be used as a middle for any trades. We also endorse Kerri Manchester, leader of Centrepointe Mining as a trusted middle.
Do NOT Trade List
Corey Vildras (Investment Scammer who was bailed out)*
Sable Sojo (Kidnapped a Customer during a trade)
Kidinu Maximus (Didn't complete a trade after over a month and a half after a refund was requested) *
Xark Jephego (Assisted in and appears to have planned his faction members scamming attempts)
Joi Belos (Attempted scam with X-45's. Other shady trading acts.) *
Lyn Kairn (Used every excuse to not use a middle even with no rep and listing said a middle would be fine.) *
Argon Nightwish (Attempted kidnapping of a sentient doing a service for them.)
Janus du Lombard (Wouldn't refund a trade despite opportunity. Didn't send ship) *
Dain Vel Iblis (Kidnapped and held for ransom a customer who boarded his ship.)
Lamy Homo (Did an IRC raffle and didn't post rules, crooked raffle: Link )
Diabolus 'ut Persolvo (Involved in docking a ship under guise of purchase: Link )
Sab Graf (Involved in docking a ship under guise of purchase: Link )
* Was added to the Scammers List afterward
Scammers List
Acelin Dominia
Aces Israel
Adam Zad
Adrian Owen
Akira Ryu
Alexander Blackforge
Alexus Harvey
Anak Bratom
Anax Noctru(victim of attempted scam; kept an item sent him without paying, returned it later)
Angelica Marie
Anthony Millennial
Arkondrius Ray`Dur
Arribacca Jawnik
Ben Dengar
Binks Miagi
Borr Fedick
Bren Morgarr (stole under Imperial threat of execution)
Bruce Spear Jr
Carl Lorenz (banned)
Chiss Veers
Corey Vildras
Corran Terrik
Crucio Fidelius
Cydnee Stultz
Damyo Kruder
Dante Phoenix (Zh`ar Phoenix)
Dantius Storm
Darius Ryism
David Salohah
Deloth Ran
Delros Kaytyr
Derek Shado
Derfflinger von Seydlitz
Deric Adams
Derik Jenthenie
dick jonson
Drak Avenger
Drakkon Oxnard
Drizzt Delzoun
Durtan Formel
Dwight Ring
Echinsu Ocha
Eddie Highgrow
Elegos Ryder
Ember Aranyos (raffle scammer, refunded victim)
Ethan Stone
Exanthium Kerensky
Ezo Mozq
Felix Darque
Fhena Ferrano
Fred Johnson
Frezt Raleigh
Galen Montross
Gavin Rollan
Gerg Badger
Gorag Kron
Hans Joachim Marseille (Lord Daniels)
Henry Farlander
Horley Cyan (unclear if he scammed, or if he screwed up a middle)
Hossy Virago
Hylo Hawkes (IC/OOC raffle scam - pretended to quit SWC for raffle)
Igor Quorrom
Ikrit-Null Crim
Jager Bane
Jake Kiltar (Kathol affair)
Jako Lewis
James Earnshaw
James Kindle
Janez Novak
Jango Gend
Janus du Lombard
Jarek H`darr (sold a Bulk Freighter that was hijacked and enroute to a sun)
Jarik Tebis
Jax Starblade
Jay Shisky
Jek Ryllis
Joe Monso
Joey Braveheart
Johhne Munne
John Ceud
Joi Belos
Jon Bromil
Jonas Simvaca
Julia Mary
Kaden Ice
Kam Farlight
Katarina Catra
Kendall Claermoore
Kenji Ilvec
Kidinu Maximus (might just be inactive, either way beware)
Kray Voh
Kurh Harbaraka
Kyle Turner
Lau Cha
Lee San
Lilith Drax
Lindgart Adjer (scammed a thief)
Lodger Hawk
Lorah Armande
Luke Dare
Luke Deveraux
Luther Grimwald
Lyn Kairn
Lyra Ravine
Markus Knight
Mayet Mado
Meleu Karthdo (scammed with his illegal multi, Syra Syluxa)
Mikael Knox
Mike Poldamor
Miroslav Kaminski
Misti Dodge
Mitth Wake
Monty Tamayo
Naos Grilmor
Nita Avila
Ngarnek Beau
Nogard Drol (scammed a scammer to refund victims)
Orphaea Balthazar
Panthro Von Palm
Payl Arleya (scammed a thief)
Qoo Yerusha
Ralph Maximus (unclear - did not pay back investments until well after his own deadline despite having the means)
Ravi Ivar
Ravin Orin (noob, tried to sell ISDs on Classifieds)
Ress Wain
Revan Kanos
Reven Corvus
Rikku Shizuka
Rodrigov Handler
Saguro Jira
Salvatore Vito Falcon
Samuel Vimes (scammed a thief)
Sanya Kasren
Sato Ayako
Scott Alexander
Sean Luther
Seknos Thanewulf
Shiva Rotaron
Shuji Shizuka
Sigma Methaine
Sithe Vapshe
Sivad Nivram
Skye Sarn
Slaine Phixion
Stephanie Barefoot (scammed a kidnapper)
Steve Rainy
Strata Seyley
Syra Syluxa
Tane Jako
Tar Alaks
Tazam Azam
Tembre Fell
Theophilus Greene
Thor Volk
Titanes Keano
Todd Wiggs
Togu Toguro
Tomas O`Cuinn
Tony Barzini
Trace Magus
Tsin Vus
Uhmgeanenrn Atgero
Umbeck Traxer
Utono Brutza
Vandal Archibald
Vod Valkfire
Vodo Bonias (ordered his faction members to scam)
Vorkev Reknok
Vos Keldom
Vulker Hodrix
Xanatos Kwah
Xanxus Drol
Xedillian Vordesh
Xema Zezima
Xeno Jwanu
Xiaan Fenn
Xivan Crowe
Xodus Nizbith
Zack Johnson
Zark Sinbar
Zathras Bax
Zeb Drakkar (aided in a raffle scam)
Zeiro Roma
Zibbi Hizk

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