Faerytail History

Faerytail was a company that started out as a dream among three sentients, two Coruscanti and a Cathar, who were working together in Juganoth Mining Corporation. An idea of a company of their own without all the bureaucracy they had to deal with on a daily basis was a dream, and mere "Faerytail". But from that dream the three of them began collecting ships, credits, and property in order to one day make their dream a reality.
Fast forward a number of months. One of the Coruscanti's was offered Leadership of Anzatan Resource Extractions, the mining company owned by the Anzatan Commonwealth.
He brought his talents and personnel and threw himself into trying to fix what was a mismanaged and broken Mining Corporation. After massive improvements all over Anzatan Space, after creating millions of credits of infrastructure, extracting millions of tonnes of precious and rare materials those who were bringing Anzat such prosperity were betrayed and cast aside by the new leader of Anzat, the paranoid dictator Azarin Isard.
Saddened and betrayed ten members of Anzatan Resource Extractions left to form Faerytail together, using the assets that the two Coruscanti's had accumulated.
Faerytail is a company that was made with the mindset that it must be a Fantasy for a company to take care of their people, to pay wages on time, to not use "Rank" and "Position" as excuses to hold others down and to keep them in a subservient position. The Fantasy has now become a Reality in Faerytail. We are Faerytail and we take care of our people, in any and all ways we can.
To our customers, is it a Fantasy to expect low prices and friendly service?
Not with Faerytail Medical, it is no longer a fantasy for great service and reasonable prices.
We are Faerytail Medical, in our hands you will be healed.