Faery Perks
Being a member of Faerytail entitles you to various perks. These are as follows:
Wages: Brand new players start off at a salary of 7 Million Credits a month in the Faerytail Factions. Players with experience can start at any of our wage ranks that currently go up to 9.25 mill a month based on prior experience. All Faeries are paid twice a month, once on the 1st and again on the 15th with half of their wage as long as they are active. Unlike the vast majority of factions out there, we actually do pay on time, if I am a day or two late, you know something is wrong. Bonuses are given for exceptional work.
Force Testing: All Faeries are tested for their ability to touch the force at levels 1,6,11,16,21,26. If a Faery member is found to be Force Sensitive, they are trained by one of the Faerytail Force trainers.
Internal Material Sales: We appreciate our Faeries. As such, we sell certain materials internally to our Faeries for any of their building and construction needs.
Internal Investment Program: At Faerytail, we try to make our members money work for them. With an internal investment program that earns interest like a bank. Faeries can invest and pull their credits out at any time.
Shipyard In-System Building: At the moment Faerytail has political control over 6 Systems. That is a LARGE amount of space to construct space stations. For Faeries with a long time of service in Faerytail, we allow our Faeries to build space stations of almost any type based on the discretion of Sims.
Cheaper Products: Everything that is made by the Faery factions can be bought by our members at a cheaper price than we sell to everyone else, as a thanks for their service. Also, for members that have been with us a while, we will also build anything that is publicly available for our members at merely what it costs us to make.
Hunting Vacations: As a thanks for hard work, we send Faeries on hunting vacations where we give them equipment to go hunt and some free medical items to make their experience a good one.
Freedom: Faerytail has no specific rank structure. That means no one will be pulling rank or lording over you. All Faeries are equal, with the Leaders simply providing direction. You will never have to salute, bow, or otherwise demean yourself while in Faerytail.
Training: Whatever we ask you to do, we can normally walk you through how to do it. Also we have some training posts setup for some of the basic ways to do things.