Free Facility Income Management
Different facilities need to be managed by certain factions to receive income. Currently we offer to manage two types of these special facilities.
Hospitals - Free Management is offered through Faerytail Medical. Merely assign your hospitals to us and get the income shortly after FI run for free.
Training Academies - Free Management is offered through Guardians of the Fey. Merely assign your training academies to us and get the income shortly after FI run for free.
Middle Services
The Faerytail Family has grown large enough, and well known enough that we are offering Middle Services at this time with a cap at 500 million credits.
Why should you trust us? Most of our sales are done privately, off of CPM with merely us and our customers. Our customers send credits to us first knowing that we are trustworthy and will not take their money and not deliver. Also, FaeryMed has recently won the award for "Best Company of Year 14" and have no desire to ruin that good publicity.
Faerytail Insured Middles
Simkin Dragoneel - Up to 500 Million credits
Vonar Solon - Up to 500 Million Credits
Sims can be found on IRC at #faerytail for any fast middles. Vonar Solon is DM only.
Production Services
We currently allow Production hoppers into Faerytail Recycling and The Je`daii Order for production costs only. Please be sure to include in your join message "Joining for production privs"
For Faerytail Medical we allow production hoppers for production +5% since we give free Medical DCs as long as we produce them.
Stations and Facility Construction
We allow anyone to hop in and use our facility and station blueprints for cost +5%.
This includes Guardians of the Fey, Faerytail Medical, Faerytail Recycling, and The Je`daii Order.
Private Recycling Services
Anyone wishing to get facilities recycled can contact us to have one of our trained personnel head over to their location to recycle whatever they wish at the rates below.
Customers will pay for the cost associated with the recycling plus:
1x1 facilities - 100,000 credits
1x3 up to 3x5 - 250,000 credits
4x7 up to 7x7 - 450,000 credits
Anything bigger 450,000 credits x every 6 days
Travel is free to any location within 3 days hyper to the Krmar System in the Tolanda Sector at hyper 4, piloting 3.
Tax Planet/Large Scale Facility Recycling
Faerytail Recycling has made a gross amount of Wreckers to be able to do large scale recycling services.
We can do two different types of Services.Option 1: Large Scale Demolition: We come in, we destroy everything, and leave you with a pristine planet ready for new construction. Price is negotiable based on how big the planet is, how many buildings there are, and the amount of work required. Needless to say, it will be rather expensive.
Option 2: Selected Demolition for Facility Income: The customer can send the designs of their current planet to Simkin Dragoneel, who will then figure out a plan of selected demolition to convert the planet to one that is suitable for Facility Income. Payment will again be determined by how much work needs to be done but will be substantially cheaper.
Customers who wish to save on some credits can pay instead with a trade. Things we are interested in getting are asteroids, moons, and restricted technology. We are backed with enough credits to recycle almost any sized planet, so a mix match of credits/trades can work for us. As a side note, Tax Planet Conversion is not available to GA aligned Governments/Factions... e.g. - We don't trust you.
For those interested in FTR services please send a Darkness message to Simkin Dragoneel or Chloe Van Smyten.
Faerytail Services