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Faery Nobility

The Faerytail Family is a Family/Monarchy. As such there are those that have noble titles. The record of those with such titles is kept here.

Faery King
The King of the Faeries is Simkin Dragoneel. Simkin, also known as "Sims", is the one who founded the original Faerytail Organization known as Faerytail Medical. Sims has led Faerytail into prosperity and being a legitimate government in the galaxy. Because of his many achievements he was crowned the King of all the Faeries.

Queen of the Faeries
The Queen of the Faeries is Astrid De LaRouge-Dragoneel. Astrid also holds the titles of "Professional Sammich Maker", "Barbie Rock Goddess", and "Queen of Dalchon". Astrid was given these noble titles upon her marriage to the Faery King Simkin Dragoneel. She also has the honor of continuing the Faery lineage with Sims child.
Faery Crown Princess
The Royal Princess of Faerytail is Alice Dragoneel. Alice is the offspring of the Faery King Simkin Dragoneel and the Queen Astrid De LaRouge. Alice is half Coruscanti and half Kiffar and yet is all beautiful. While some are confused as to why she looks so different from her biological father, one needs only look at a picture of Sims when he was Coruscanti to see the resemblance.
Prince of Mechis III
The Prince of Mechis III is Sevk Ill'er. Due to his excellent service to the Family during the war of Mechis he has been given the noble title of "Prince of Mechis III". All the citizens of that planet owe fealty to him.
Earl of Saki I
The Earl of Saki I is Je`daii Master Legend Myre. Legend Myre holds the distinction of being the second apprentice Master Gildarts has ever personally taken to teach the mysteries of the force. He has remained loyal to the Family ever since and has been given the title of "Earl" as his reward.
Laird of Harrad
The Laird of Harrad is Brian MacBourma. Due to his excellent service to the Family during the war of Krmar he has been given the noble title of "Laird of Harrad". All the citizens of that moon owe fealty to him.

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