The Je`daii Order

The Je'daii Order was an ancient organization unified by its belief and observance of the Force on the planet Tython, in the galaxy's Deep Core. Focusing on maintaining a balance in the Force, a state at which Tython was itself hospitable, the Je'daii saw the Force as two aspects of a whole; the Ashla and the Bogan.
They saw this duality in the Force represented in the night sky of Tython in the form of two natural satellites; one bathed in light, another shrouded in darkness. In keeping with their ideal balance, Je'daii who fell too far to either the light or darkness was exiled to one of the moons to meditate until they returned to balance.
That is, until a dark side force hound from the Infinite Empire landed on their world, throwing their entire balance asunder and sparked a bloody civil war between the Je`daii who pursued the Light, and the Je`daii who pursued the dark.
The light-siders, led by Je'daii Masters Rajivari, Garon Jard, Cala Brin and Ters Sendon, founded a new group known as the Jedi Order and deemed that they would only use their powers for the protection of the weak and disenfranchised. From this group, Master Rajivari broke away and formed a dissident group of dark siders. Building an army of dark side monstrosities, Rajivari and his followers seized the Temple of Kaleth and attempted to defeat the Jedi Order.
Following the defeat of Rajivari's forces and other dissidents like him, the Je'daii Order was finished, the Jedi Order standing in its place. Having witnessed the destructive power of the dark side first hand with the ruination of their homeworld, a large group of Jedi set out from Tython to settle other worlds far from the Deep Core, eventually establishing a headquarters on the far-flung world Ossus.
That is where the history of the Je`daii Order faded away... into obscurity over millennia. That is until a lone force user discovered some of the ancient teachings. The Je`daii Master now known as "Master Gildarts" was a force adept that was found and trained by a Jedi Master who was disillusioned with the corruption and duplicity that currently infests The Jedi Order. In the course of Master Gildarts training, he was exposed to... and embraced... the Je`daii's teachings. To him, the force is the flow of the universe. Focusing on one aspect or the other weakens the mind and makes one unable to deal with the complexities and the grey areas that permeate life. Abandoning the narrow minded thinking of the Jedi, Master Gildarts devoted himself to the teachings of the Je`daii Order.
While wandering through the galaxy, Master Gildarts happened across a man named Simkin Dragoneel (Sims). This man had founded his own company and was striving to protect all the people who followed him. After hearing about the Je`daii Order Sims decided to accept Master Gildarts and the force organization he was attempting to build into his family. Backed by a strong group The Je`daii Order began to grow rapidly as Master Gildarts took on many apprentices and trained them in the ways of the force. Currently The Je`daii Order is both the name of an organization in charge of producing all of the Faerytail Families weapons, ships, and vehicles as well as the name of the internal force order within the Faerytail Family as a whole.